62d Medical Squadron

62nd Medical Squadron

About the 62d Medical Squadron

Welcome to the 62d Medical Squadron, located in the McChord Clinic. The 62nd MDS serves the active-duty Airmen of McChord Field.

Our mission is to provide quality healthcare services to promote fit, resilient, ready forces, while developing and strengthening our medics to sustain future medical capabilities.

McChord Clinic

The following are services are provided in the McChord Clinic, which is operated by Madigan Army Medical Center.

 -Family Medicine Clinic
 -Laboratory Services
 -Mental Health
 -Patient Advocacy
 -Pediatric Clinic
 -Radiology/Diagnostic Imaging
 -Women's Health

 62d Medical Squadron clinics and services.

Ancillary and Administrative Services

 -Admission Information
 -Airman & Familiy Readiness Center
 -Appointment System
 -Appointments Online
 -EFMP (Special Needs)
 -Medical Records/Release of Information
 -Patient Advocate
 -Patient Rights and Responsibilities
 -Personnel Reliability Program
 -Referral Management

62d Medical Squadron clinics and services.

62d MDS Clinics and Services

 -Airman's Clinic
 -Flight Medicine Clinic
 -Optometry Clinic

How to reach your PCM

 -Bioenvironmental Engineering
 -Mental Health
 -Public Health
 -Patient Advocate
 -Aerospace & Operational Physiology

62d Medical Squadron clinics and services.

Customer Service

Your health is our mission. We strive to provide excellent customer service and quality care to all our patients. Our customer service teams are dedicated to ensuring you are satisfied with your medical care. 

Use our Customer Service Assets to help solve problems, answer questions, to tell us about concerns, or provide feedback on our facility's services and care. 

How can we help you today?


Patient Relations/Advocate

Patient advocates advise and help you with medical and dental benefit concerns within this facility. 


Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator (BCAC)

This service is operated by the Madigan Army Medical Center.


Debt Collection Assistance Officer (DCAO)

This service is operated by the Madigan Army Medical Center.


Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE)

ICE is a web-based tool that collects your feedback on services at this facility.



Patient Advocates:

Aerospace: (253) 982-9952

Dental: (253) 982-5505

Optometry: (253) 982-2032

Patient Admin: (253) 982-7177

WOMC: (253) 982-9499


General Hours:

7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Closed Every Thursday after 12:00 p.m.

Closed every second Thursday of each month.

Coronavirus disease 2019 COVID-19 graphic

62d MDS Commander

Col. (Dr.) Karen Bowman
62d Medical Squadron

General Information

Address: 690 Barnes Blvd, McChord Field - Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA 98438

General Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Tri-Care appointment line: 1-800-404-4506

Main Line: (253) 982-5688
How to reach your PCM

Air Force Medicine

*Closed Second Thursday of each month for training

*Closed on Federal Holidays and Selected Family Days

*Closed Every Thursday from 3:30 p.m. for Squadron PT


  Medical Inprocessing held on the first and third Thursday of each month at 1300 in the Globemaster Conference Room at the McChord Clinic.

In case of emergency

Dial 911

The McChord Clinic does not provide emergency services.

Urgent Care: Visit the Emergency Room at Madigan Army Medical Center

Veterans Crisis Line Website
 1-800-273-8255 Press 1
 Text to 838255

Psychological Health, PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury
 (866) 966-1020 (toll free)

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AFMS Strategy

Click for more information on our AFMS Healthcare Strategy

Click button for more information on our AFMS Healthcare Strategy