Comprehensive Airman Fitness Electronic "we care" guide

We Care comprehensive Airman fitness logoThis guide contains a list of services and resources available to members of our military community. It does not provide exhaustive information about each resource. Instead, it provides just enough information for you to quickly determine what resources are available to serve your needs. You can then use the phone numbers or web links to obtain more detailed information for a particular service. The We Care link is a need-based search engine that allows you to conect with a choice of providers. The We Care guide also serves as a referral document for commander, community leaders, and program managers. This comprehensive listing will empower you to find what you need to be a successful and resilient member of the Air Force family. Wherever you go in AMC, there will be a We Care guide.


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Expand List item 872Collapse List item 872  ADDICTIONS



Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) – The ADAPT Program is designed to identify risk factors and help individuals avoid hazardous substance use before it causes significant damage to their health and career. Individuals can self-refer.

ADAPT promotes readiness, health, and wellness through the prevention and treatment of substance misuse and abuse, to minimize the negative consequences of substance misuse and abuse to the individual, family, and organization.  Services include outreach, education, prevention programs, screening, assessment and consultation as well as initiatives to prevent future alcohol misuse, prescription drug misuse, or drug use; preventive counseling, and tailored feedback to individuals or groups. Provides evidence-based substance use disorder treatment for individuals who are abusing or are dependent on alcohol or drugs.

Facility: McChord BH/ADAPT Clinic at McChord Clinic

Address: 690 Barnes Blvd, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA 98438

Intended For: Active Duty Air Force Service Members

When: 0730-1630 Hours of Operation / 0730-1530 Walk-in Times

Where: 2nd Level at McChord Clinic

Cost: TRICARE Prime

Phone: 253-982-3685

Resource Provider: Capt. McGuire
ADAPT Techs are SSgt Heckman, SSgt Moody, SrA Cunanan

Last Updated: 5 Nov 2024


Expand List item 900Collapse List item 900  CIVILIAN

Federal Occupational Health: Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – The Air Force Employee Assistance Program (EAP) bundled with FOH4You is a support resource available to all Air Force civilian employees, 24/7, 365 days per year.  By calling (800) 222-0364, employees and their family members will be connected to a licensed, credentialed counselor who can assist with mental health, financial, or legal support, as well as provide information and resources for day-to-day challenges like elder care, child care, home repair and more.  In the event of a furlough, this resource remains 100% available, 100% of the time. 

Facility: Services available via phone services or via the website


Intended for: Air Force Federal Service Civilians

When: Available 24/7, 365 days a year

Where: Initially via phone services and then with professional counselors face-to-face

Cost: FREE

Phone: (800) 222-0364


Resource Provider: Federal Occupational Health

Last Updated: 6/6/2018

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Community Support Coordinator
Darren Powell, 62d AW/IPRO
Comm: (253) 982-0016 




Please contact the Community Support Coordinator with any updates, changes or questions