
QuestionsIf you have a general military question, please refer to the Department of Defense Frequently Asked Questions page. If your question relates specifically to McChord Field, please see the questions below. If you have an Air Force-related question which is not addressed here, you may find the answer by visiting the Questions page of


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Expand List item 216Collapse List item 216  Air Expo

When is the next Air Expo?

Due to sequestration, we currently do not have a date for the next Air Expo.

Expand List item 217Collapse List item 217  AMC Rodeo

Can media document Rodeo?

Current plans are for the Rodeo public affairs staff to host a media day during this year's competition.  The date and times will be driven by competition schedules.  Members of accredited media and freelance writers and photographers with an "intent to publish" letter from accredited media will be able to participate in media day.
For more information, please call 618-229-7843. Media inquiries can also be e-mailed to Air Mobility Command Public Affairs.
Note: Beginning mid-July, the contact number will be updated to reflect the stand up of the Rodeo public affairs team at McChord AFB.

Is Rodeo open to the public?

No. Rodeo is not open to the public.  Accredited media and freelance writers and photographers with an "intent to publish" letter from accredited media may be allowed to observe some competitions.  Until mid-July, all media queries should be directed to the HQ Air Mobility Command Office of Public Affairs at 618-229-7843.  Contact information for the Rodeo public affairs team will be published at the start up of Rodeo.

Who do I contact if I have questions about Rodeo?

Until mid-July when the Rodeo public affairs team arrives at McChord, questions should be directed to the HQ Air Mobility Command Office of Public Affairs. For general questions, call 618-229-7821, and for media queries, call 618-229-7843. Questions may also be e-mailed.

Expand List item 218Collapse List item 218  Base Contacts

How can I contact an organization on base?

Call the McChord operator at 253-982-1110.  They will connect you with the organization you need.

How can I contact someone who works on McChord?

Please contact the base operator at 253-982-1110. They will connect you with the person you are looking for.

I am a member of the media. Who do I contact for information?

Media should contact the Public Affairs Office at 253-982-5637 for all inquiries.

I have a friend or family member in the Air Force. How can I find that individual?

Call the Air Force Worldwide Locator at 210-565-2660 or written requests can be sent to:

Air Force Worldwide Locator
550 C Street West Suite 50
Randolph AFB TX 78150-4752

Expand List item 219Collapse List item 219  Community Information

How can I request a flyover or static display?

Approval for flyovers or static displays of U.S. Air Force aircraft is handled by the Department of the Air Force. Organizations wishing for flyovers or static displays should visit the Air Force's Aviation Support page here, or contact: Air Force Aviation Support at SAF/PAN, Commercial Voice: (703) 695-9776 or 693-2558; DSN 225-9776 or 223-2558; Fax: (703) 693-9601 or DSN 223-9601; e-mail:

How can I send a gift to Airmen deployed overseas?

McChord Airmen appreciate all the support local citizens have given and continue to give to us at home and overseas.  While we appreciate the gifts and cards young and old alike want to send to us, we can't ship care packages overseas on our aircraft, nor can we give out mailing addresses for our Airmen deployed overseas.

Individuals or organizations wishing to support Airmen serving overseas should visit America Supports You online or AAFES.  If you wish to donate after a natural disaster, please contact your local American Red Cross.

How do I request a speaker from McChord Field?

Organizations wishing to feature a McChord Airman as a speaker at an event should submit their to the 62nd Airlift Wing Public Affairs office one month in advance of the event. Requests must be submitted on a Department of Defense Form 2536. Forms may be faxed to 253-982-5025 or e-mailed.

Please ensure the request is as detailed as possible. Requests for specific individuals or topics need to be included on the form.

The 62nd Airlift Wing values the opportunity to connect with the local community and will work to provide speakers to the best of its ability.

How do I request a tour of McChord Field?

Tours of the base are extremely limited due to the increased operational tempo, and budget and manpower reductions. Requests will be evaluated on the wing's current operations and ability to host the group. Groups with access to the base, such as Reserve Officer Training Corps, Junior ROTC and Civil Air Patrol should anticipate planning and conducting their own tours.

You can e-mail your tour requests here.

How do I request the McChord Honor Guard?

The McChord Air Force Base Honor Guard is an elite group of Air Force men and women, who volunteer to represent every member, past and present, of the United States Air Force in ceremonies both on and off base.

The Honor Guard renders military honors and flag presentations for events such as weddings, funerals, patriotic ceremonies, sporting events, and parades.

Requests for the Honor Guard must be submitted one month prior to the event on a Department of Defense Form 2536. Forms may be faxed to 253-982-5025 or e-mailed.

What if I want to file a noise complaint against Air Force aircraft?

Please contact the Public Affairs Office at 253-982-5637 and let them know who you are, when and where the noise occured, and a phone number so that the staff can research the cause of the noise and get back to you.

Expand List item 220Collapse List item 220  Contracting / Small Business

How can I arrange a courtesy visit to discuss my company's capabilities with the Small Business Specialist or other interested personnel?

Contact McChord's Small Business Specialist (SBS) at 253-982-3890 to set up an appointment. The SBS can assist you in answering your questions about doing business with McChord AFB and direct you to helpful web sites.

How can I get on the "bid list" or mailing list for Requests for Proposal?

The 62nd Contracting Squadron does not maintain a mailing list. At a minimum, we post all requirements of more than $25,000 on FedBizOpps and leave the responsibility of monitoring the requirements to vendors and contractors.

We also input data into the Long Range Acquisition Estimate (LRAE) portion of Sell to the Air Force. The LRAE identifies projects that are still in planning stages and identifies the estimated quarter and year the acquisition will occur.

I'm contracted through an organization other than the 62nd Contracting Squadron. How do I get access to the base?

Please contact the Contracting Officer for the contract action you have. They will have the necessary information, or can obtain it, to allow you access to McChord AFB.

Expand List item 221Collapse List item 221  Eagle Eyes

What is Eagle Eyes?

Eagle Eyes is a global "neighborhood watch"

Only you know who or what belongs - or doesn't belong - in your building, neighborhood, or work center. Recognition of this fact is behind one of the latest Air Force antiterrorism initiatives, a program known as "Eagle Eyes." The program has characteristics of a typical neighborhood-watch program, and Air Force officials consider it a key piece in the service's anti-terrorism strategy.

It all begins at the local level, where terrorists conduct operational planning activities. Every terrorist operation is preceded by precursor events that people need to recognize and report. Terrorist acts don't just happen - they are carefully planned and rehearsed many, many times in advance. The key is public awareness of what to look for and take note of - both on and off base.

At McChord Air Force Base, anyone with something to report should immediately call the 62nd Security Forces Squadron at 235-982-5624.

What to Report

Surveillance: Someone recording or monitoring activities. This may include the use of cameras (either still or video), note taking, drawing diagrams, annotating on maps, or using binoculars or other vision-enhancing devices.

Elicitation: People or organizations attempting to gain information about military operations, capabilities, or people. Elicitation attempts may be made by mail, fax, telephone, or in person.

Tests of security: Any attempts to measure reaction times to security breaches or to penetrate physical security barriers or procedures in order to assess strengths and weaknesses.

Acquiring supplies: Purchasing or stealing explosives, weapons, ammunition, detonators, timers, etc. Also includes acquiring military uniforms, decals, flight manuals, passes or badges (or the equipment to manufacture such items) or any other controlled items.

Suspicious persons out of place: People who don't seem to belong in the workplace, neighborhood, business establishment, or anywhere else. Includes suspicious border crossings and stowaways aboard ship or people jumping ship in port.

Dry run: Putting people into position and moving them around according to their plan without actually committing the terrorist act. This is especially true when planning a kidnapping, but it can also pertain to bombings. An element of this activity could also include mapping out routes and determining the timing of traffic lights and flow.

Deploying assets: People and supplies getting into position to commit the act. This is a person's last chance to alert authorities before the terrorist act occurs. Look for people loading up vehicles with weaponry/explosives, etc, and/or parking that vehicle somewhere, or people in military uniforms (who don't look right) approaching an installation or getting into a vehicle, or people who seem out of place standing by at a certain location as if waiting for something to happen.

Expand List item 222Collapse List item 222  Freedom of Information Act

Do you have a format for a FOIA request?

Sample FOIA Request Letter

COMPANY NAME (If Applicable)
FAX NUMBER: (If Applicable)

851 LINCOLN Blvd, Suite 228
McChord Field, WA 98438

(Date Of Request)

Dear FOIA Officer: Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), I request (Identify the required documents or information as specifically as possible to include all possible locations, if known).

I am willing to pay all required fees incurred in providing this information. I am willing to pay required fees for this information up to a maximum of $(Amount). If fees exceed this amount, please obtain payment approval prior to incurring the debt or providing the information.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on (DATE).



AUTHORITY: 10 U.S.C. 8013 and 5 U.S.C. 552 PURPOSE: To obtain necessary information so that a response can be provided to your FOIA request. ROUTINE USE: Your request may be referred to another Federal Agency if the record(s) you seek originated with that agency. DISCLOSURE: Voluntary; However, no reply can be given if the requested information is not furnished.

Do you have links to other FOIA sites?

Following are links to related public FOIA information. These links are provided for informational purposes only and cannot be used to initiate or direct FOIA requests to McChord Field or the 62nd Airlift Wing.

Air Force Public FOIA Web site

Air Force Worldwide FOIA Offices

U.S. National Archives and Records Administration

Department of Defense FOIA Web site

Department of Justice FOIA Web site

Does McChord have an Electronic Reading Room?

Some records are released to the public under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and may therefore reflect deletion of some information in accordance with the FOIA's nine statutory exemptions. A consolidated list of such records is on the U.S. Air Force Freedom of Information Act Web site.

What is the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)?

Public Law 5 U.S.C. 552 enacted the Freedom of Information Act. It established statutory rights of access to government information. It generally provides that any person has a right, enforceable in court, of access to federal agency records, except to the extent that such records (or portions thereof) are protected from disclosure by one of nine exemptions or one of three special law enforcement record exclusions. See DoD 5400.7-AFMAN 33-302, dated 21 Oct 2010, DoD Freedom on Information Act Program, the prescribing directive for more information.+It is important to remember that the Freedom of Information Act applies only to records held by federal agencies. It does not create a right of access to records held by Congress, the courts, state or local government agencies, or by private businesses or individuals. Each state has its own public access laws that should be consulted for access to state and local records.

Where do I submit a FOIA request?

FOIA requests for the 62nd Airlift Wing, McChord AFB, must be submitted in writing and include a title or reasonable description of the desired records and a statement on willingness to pay fees for search, review, and reproduction. Or submit your request via mail, fax, or hand carry to the following address:

McChord Field, WA 98438-1314

 PHONE: (253) 982-1069, 0133, 1242
 FAX: (253) 982-3124

Mass Mailing Advisory
"Air Force bases use a unit and functional address symbol (FAS) system to sort and deliver mail. The FAS is the Alpha Code (i.e., LGS, LGT, DP) provided with personnel listings. You must include the address and FAS in the address of mail sent to Air Force bases. Air Force directives prohibit the delivery of unofficial mass mailings (50 pieces or more from the same mailer on the same day). Repeated mailings of less than that to circumvent policy are also prohibited."

Who can submit a Freedom of Information Act request?

Members of the public, including foreign citizens, military and civilian personnel acting as private citizens, organizations and businesses, and individual members of the Congress for themselves or constituents, may request records in writing. Government employees submitting requests should not use government equipment, supplies, stationery, postage, telephones, or official mail channels to make FOIA requests.

FOIA requesters who have questions concerning the processing of their request with the McChord Field FOIA Office should call (253) 982-5169. If dissatisfied with the response from the center, you may contact the FOIA Public Liaison, HQ AMC FOIA Office at (618) 229-5710 or e-mail or the FOIA Public Liaison, HQ AF FOIA Office at (703) 614-8500 or email

* Effective March 30, 2009 * : The Air Force has established a new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) website for submitting request online to our Requester Service Centers (RSC). Click on the following AF eFOIA Public Access Link (PAL): Once there, we recommend you review all the links listed on the left side as they have been designed to provide information and guidance. No single office handles all FOIA requests. If you prefer not to submit on line you can mail/fax your request to the particular base or activity that has the records you want. (For the link to particular base or activity use the link:
If you don't know which Air Force activity has the records you want, mail/fax your request to: HAF/IMII, 1000 Air Force Pentagon, Washington, DC 20330-1000; fax (703) 693-2746.

Expand List item 223Collapse List item 223  Medical Services

How do I determine what procedures are available through TRICARE at the base?

Information on procedures available at military installation clinics (or available through TRICARE) may be researched using TRICARE Online. The web site (which is not sponsored by the Air Force) has a great deal of information on procedures, the pharmacy formulary and tips to maintain health.

Expand List item 224Collapse List item 224  Military Records

How can I obtain my military records?

The individual military departments do NOT maintain files or records pertaining to individuals no longer on active duty. When an individual is separated from military service (because of retirement, discharge from active duty, or death) his/her Field Personnel File (containing all military and health records) is forwarded for storage to the National Personnel Records Center (Military), 9700 Page Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63172. The Records Center is under the jurisdiction of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) of the U.S. Government. Their web site is
An individual's complete service record is available to the former service member or, if deceased, to his/her next of kin (parents, spouse, or children). Limited information (such as dates of service, awards, and training) is available to anyone. Not available to the general public is information which would invade an individual's privacy, such as medical records, Social Security number, or present address.

The St. Louis Center receives many thousands of requests for service records each week, so please be aware that there may be a lengthy delay. The St. Louis Center will process requests with greater speed and accuracy if the requester uses a Standard Form 180, "Request Pertaining to Military Records," which can be downloaded from the web site.

Also, the National Personnel Records Center is working to make it easier for veterans with computers and Internet access to obtain copies of documents from their military files. Military veterans and the next of kin of deceased former military members may now use a new online military personnel records system to request documents.

The new web-based application was designed to provide better service on these requests by eliminating the records center's mailroom processing time. Also, because the requester will be asked to supply all information essential for NPRC to process the request, delays that normally occur when NPRC has to ask veterans for additional information will be minimized.

Veterans and next of kin may access this application at

Standard Form 180, which contains instructions, is also available from most veterans organizations or by writing to the National Personnel Records Center. If requesting the records of a relative, a requester should mention the relationship to the former member (brother, uncle, or other). There is no charge for this service to former service members or their next of kin. For others, a nominal fee is charged for research and reproduction costs. (In this regard, files at the Records Center are maintained as historical records only and are not updated to reflect current data on the former service member.)


1) Contrary to published accounts, the Department has not published a "booklet on military records," but we hope the above information will be useful.

2) Of incidental interest for individuals compiling family histories: the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20408, (telephone: 202-501-5400) provides assistance to those interested in genealogy. NARA normally charges a nominal fee for research and reproduction costs.

Expand List item 225Collapse List item 225  Newcomers

How can I get on base?

All vehicles entering McChord must either be registered with the base or have a valid vehicle pass. Vehicle passes are issued at the Visitor Control Center (just before the Main Gate) with a valid DoD ID card, driver's license, vehicle registration, and vehicle insurance.

If you are driving a rental car, bring your DoD ID card and rental agreement to the visitor's center to obtain a pass.

All rental moving vehicles must go to the Main Gate for entry and search. Drivers must show the rental agreement and a valid DoD ID to obtain a pass.

For more questions regarding base access, call the Visitor Control Center at 253-982-2119.

How do I get to McChord?

Vehicle Travelers:
The base is located off Interstate 5, 10 miles south of Tacoma and 25 miles north of Olympia, the state capital. Drivers leave I-5 at exit 125 and go east to the base main gate. Use the left hand traffic lane to enter the visitor parking area where security forces will provide directions and temporary permission to drive on base.

Air Travelers
If you arrive by air, you will land at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (commonly known as "Sea-Tac"). If you have any difficulty and have not received advance information from your sponsor, contact the USO Center at the airport. It is open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week and is located in the Main Terminal, 2nd floor. Take elevator 4 or 5 which is across from the Outdoor Adventure Gift Shop. Their phone number is 206-433-5438.

Train/Bus Travelers
AMTRAK and Greyhound/Trailways buses also serve Tacoma.

How do I make reservations for base lodging?

Reservations can be made in advance for TDY/PCS personnel at any time by calling 1-800-847-3899.

Lodging is also available on a first-come, first-served basis for active and retired military members and their dependents not on TDY or PCS orders. Reservations can be made 30 days in advance for a stay of no more than 3 days. (The 30 days is subject to change based on occupancy.)

Please visit the Evergreen Inn web site for more information.

Where can I find a list of jobs available on base?

Jobs available to everyone, including non-military affiliated civilians, can be found by contacting the McChord Civilian Personnel Office at 253-982-3803.  For those people looking for employment with the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, please visit their web site.

Where can I send my mail while moving to McChord?

General delivery service and individual boxes for Airmen living in dormitories is available. Personal mail may be forwarded to the following address while in route to the base:

PSC Box 5000
735 Fifth St.

Expand List item 226Collapse List item 226  Space-A Flights

How can I find out information about Space-A flights?

Please contact the McChord Passenger Terminal at 253-982-7259 for questions regarding Space-Available travel. You can also find more information by visiting the Space-A web site.