Military Justice
The purpose of military law is to promote justice, to assist in maintaining good order and discipline in the armed forces, to promote efficiency and effectiveness in the military establishment, and thereby strengthen national security.
62 AW/JA works closely with commanders to handle disciplinary issues. 62 AW/JA also advises on all levels of investigations, including OSI, MPI, SFS, and command investigations. Our Military Justice and Adverse Actions sections advise commanders on courts-martial, nonjudicial punishment, and administrative discharges. Our Adverse Actions section advises commanders, first sergeants, and supervisors on military administrative paperwork, such as Letters of Reprimand and Letters of Counseling, and Unfavorable Information Files. If you have disciplinary questions that are not covered above, please contact the Military Justice section.
62 AW/JA does not advise Airmen facing administrative actions or those who are suspected of committing an offense under the UCMJ. Those Airmen should contact the Area Defense Counsel at (253) 982-2440, which is unaffiliated with 62 AW/JA.
Civil Law
Civil law disciplines are interwoven with the acquisition, operation, protection, and preservation of the force and its people, funds, weapon systems, materiel, and installations. Civil Law also provides proactive legal assistance and outreach for legal readiness of Airmen.
62 AW/JA provides sound, timely advice on many issues, including: joint basing issues, reenlistments, FOIA/Privacy Act requests, command packages, support agreements, operations law, fiscal law, investigations and Congressional inquiries, and civilian labor and employment law. 62 AW/JA also provides robust ethics advice, including: gifts, speaking/teaching/writing, community relations, conferences, off-duty employment, post-Government employment, political activities, and non-Federal entities.
This list of services is not all-inclusive, please contact
62 AW/JA for legal review and coordination.