Be prepared for upcoming Air Force changes Published Jan. 26, 2007 By Col. Jerry Martinez 62nd Airlift Wing commander MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, Wash. -- Recently the Air Force announced that if voluntary separation goals are not met, a reduction in force will involuntarily separate officers who have been commissioned for more than six and less than 12 years. This announcement comes in addition to other force shaping initiatives already underway. Without a doubt, force shaping is one of the most difficult challenges I have faced as a commander. Every Airman in today's Air Force has volunteered to serve our country, and their service has not always been easy. We ask our Airmen daily to make sacrifices for their service, putting love of country before family and friends, and they do. Asking any Airman to leave the Air Force is never a decision made lightly, no matter what the circumstances. Those Airmen affected by this potential RIF will have my personal attention throughout this process, and I will do everything in my power to ensure you are taken care of. If you fall into the group that will meet the potential RIF board, you should start taking time now to set yourself up for success. The most important thing you can do is ensure your records are accurate. Is your professional military education documented? Is your duty history right? Do your records reflect your deployments, medals and other commendations? If you answered no to any of those questions, you need to correct that immediately. If you meet the potential RIF board, it is crucial that your record is correct. These details will distinguish you from your peers and may tip the scales in your favor. I know you are all prepared for the challenge of this transitioning Air Force. Whether you remain in the Air Force or separate to civilian life, you have the recipe for success at hand. Your training, your fellow Airmen and the resources the Air Force offers have prepared you for whatever path your career may take. When I see everything our dedicated, professional Airmen bring to the fight, I know our future is in good hands.