Marking milestones to excellence

  • Published
  • By Col. Jerry Martinez
  • 62nd Airlift Wing commander

Monday, our inspectors from Air Mobility Command congratulated the 62nd Airlift Wing for a job well done on our Nuclear Surety Inspection.

Out of five areas of inspection, we received four "outstandings" and one "excellent."

This level of excellence is what I've come to expect from the men and women of McChord, and you never disappoint me.

I want to thank everyone who participated in the inspection and all of Team McChord, who supported the inspection.

With the inspection behind us, we can turn our focus to other major events quickly approaching on the horizon -- AMC's Rodeo competition in July and our Unit Compliance Inspection in January.

Both events will require the coordinated effort from everyone in Team McChord to make them successes, and I know they both will be.

It may seem sometimes that each time we achieve a major milestone our celebration is short because we must prepare for the next challenge in the future.

Each new challenge we face presents us with opportunities to learn, to practice and to improve.

The U.S. Air Force has changed and evolved throughout the years and continues to do so. 

Change and progress are not achieved by standing still and celebrating one success, but by pushing forward to find the next one and the one after that.

Even as we continue to push forward, it's important to recognize the milestones we achieve.

Each step we take maintains the Air Force's global dominance.

Each challenge we overcome, proves to the world why we are the best and will continue to be the best.

I am proud of you for everything you have accomplished and what you have done for the Air Force and your country, whether at home or deployed.

But it is the work you will continue to do in the future that sets you, and our Air Force, apart from all of your peers throughout the world. Your drive and determination to meet that next challenge is what makes you the best.

Congratulations Team McChord on achieving this milestone of excellence on our NSI!

You earned our "outstanding" ratings through your hard work. Now, as we turn to the challenges in our future, let's show the world why America's Airmen will always fly higher and faster than anyone else.