As UCI draws near, remain steadfast in preparation Published Dec. 18, 2007 By Col. Shane Hershman 62nd Airlift Wing vice commander MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, Wash. -- If you found yourself sheltered-in-place, getting recalled, or waiting at a longer line at the front gate this week, you may have been expecting this and it should remind you that we have a very large inspection coming up in January. The UCI is just 22 days away and you have all done a great job completing a busy week full of exercises in preparation for this inspection. We still have a few more weeks ahead of us to prepare, and we will have more exercises to practice for the emergency response portion. McChord will be the first unit to receive a grade on emergency response in Air Mobility Command. Each unit is checking to make sure it is in compliance with published instructions from the Air Force, AMC and the unit operating instructions. We need each and every one of you to go through your checklists multiple times. Even if you have a "green" item, you may want to double check that item to see if any discrepancies have arisen. If you have something wrong, this is not a time to overlook it. Bring up any issues you may have with your leadership so they can help resolve the problem and determine the way ahead to fix the non-compliance issue, document the problem and see what the corrective plan is. No issue is too small to document that you are not in compliance. We will continue to have multiple no-notice and scheduled exercises. This is not a time to lock your door to complete "real world" tasks, if you are directed to SIP then precede to the shelter. Each building has placards directing where the shelter is for that building. Look for the placard when you are in a new building and know what you would do if told to SIP. You will not be able to head back to your squadron. React to any given situation safely and with a sense of urgency. If you are the senior ranking individual, then take charge and start accountability for the members in your care. Report to your GCC the location and numbers of members and any injuries. If you see something suspicious, this is not the time, nor is it ever, to turn your head and hope someone else knows what to do. This is a time to step up and lead whether you are an Airman basic or a squadron commander. Show that you are concerned for the safety of yourself and others around you and do the right thing. Doing the right thing with a sense of urgency will only better prepare us for a real world situation. Once again, I thank you for all the hard work you have been doing in preparation for this important inspection. I ask for your continued diligence in this task so that we may rest easy during the holidays knowing that we are fully prepared to meet the inspection team in January.