Upcoming group reorganizations will streamline operations

  • Published
  • By Col. Frank Rechner
  • 62nd Mission Support Group commander
In my last article, I compared life to a game of Texas Hold 'Em poker and the final statement was "I can't wait to see what is in your winning hand." Life certainly ran Team McChord hard over the past seven months. A short-notice Nuclear Surety Inspection, a Logistics Standardization Evaluation Program/Unit Compliance Inspection, an Air Traffic System Evaluation Program inspection, and a no-notice environmental and communication evaluations coupled with at least two surge operations have been the order of the day. In the end, the grade for all evaluations exceeded the command standard! For a long time, we were living from one inspection to the next with the wing at a furious pace. 

I asked folks what they thought the wing needed. Overwhelmingly, the answer was a day off. While a stand-down day is not likely in the cards anytime soon, the point was well made -- everyone needs to take some down time and enjoy life. The inspections have slowed down (I realize this is a relative term for those units still being inspected), and we are in a short-duration lull as we transition from UCI back into ORI/mobility and AEF 3/4 spin up. Take advantage of this time to rest, relax and recover. Though most of the country is still in the throes of winter, already the weather is turning better and people are getting out and about. Be safe in your activities -- baseball and barbecues don't necessarily have to end up with pulled hamstrings and a fire department response. 

And speaking of change, in the coming months several things will change within the 62nd Mission Support Group. Personnel support will consolidate in the mission support squadron with the onset of the Base Level Service Delivery Module. I'll be honest with you, across the Air Force this is not a popular decision. But if it were not for this consolidation, deeper Program Budget Decision 720 cuts would have been made in every career field across the Air Force to allow us to operate like the "good ole days." Team McChord enjoyed these good ole days for longer than we should have: we delayed the start of BLSDM until after the UCI. 

Following right on the heels of BLSDM is the combining of the mission support squadron and the services squadron into the force support squadron. And finally, this summer the logistics readiness and aerial port squadrons should transition to the maintenance group, or new materiel group. These reorganizations and consolidations were not items we asked for, but they are needed and promise to bring about more streamlined operations. 

One thing you did ask for is a change in the club, and I'm happy to report the change is on the right track. At the annual awards banquet, almost 400 people were served a quality dinner in less than 13 minutes. First Friday's attendance is up and the MXG/MSG second Friday gatherings provide a great opportunity to unwind in a casual social setting -- a perfect way to wrap up the week. Stop on by and check it out -- we'd love the opportunity to talk about whatever is on your mind. You've asked for my help to change the club, now I need your help: become a club member. Due to a policy change, I can no longer use appropriated money to pay for the club's electric bill. The $70,000 for last year's bill must come from non appropriated funds. For officers who are not club members, I ask you to consider joining because your dues stay right here to fund future improvements.