Exceptional Airmen help inspire future generations

  • Published
  • By Lt. Col. J.R. Twiford
  • 7th Airlift Squadron commander
The Air Force's core values -- integrity first, service before self and excellence in all we do - guide our service's strategy, which we implement through our three overarching service priorities: win today's fight, take care of our people and prepare for tomorrow's challenges. 

Without recognizing specific opportunities to act on these priorities at an individual level, these words may sound as if they explain what someone else should be doing or how the service plans to spend its money back at the Pentagon. But every active duty, civilian and dependent member of our Air Force family acts on one of these priorities every day.
A main service posture for taking care of people is to recruit and retain the highest quality Airmen. 

While we have the best professional recruiters in the Department of Defense, the ultimate recruiting effect is the image created by the actions of individual Air Force members that fellow citizens of the nation observe. I am proud to serve with Airmen in the 7th Airlift Squadron that so admirably perform as the "additional duty" recruiters we all are. 

An impressive number score perfect 100s on their fitness tests, and project that fighting image silently just by wearing their uniforms in public -- inspiring many young men and women that want to look similarly distinguished in service of the nation. Many are environmental stewards that not only recycle, conserve energy at home and plan diligently to conserve jet fuel as they fly combat airlift, but also are able to articulate for friends and neighbors the connection of their actions to the Air Force's strategic commitment to pursuing alternative energy solutions for greater efficiency, security and the environment. Imagine -- green AND tough! 

I am humbled by the tremendous character of our squadron's spouses that volunteer to be trained and serve our community in the Phoenix Spouse program; they are living testimony to the value they place on our way of life and the promise this portends to those that would join it in the future. 

Thank you for your service, recruiters ... we really are counting on you!