Home security: keep your home and family safe

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Matt Glowicki
  • 62nd Security Forces Squadron
Whether you live on base or off, everyone is susceptible to home invasions or break-ins. There is no 100 percent, fool proof way to ensure your home will not be broken into. However, there are many ways to mitigate your chances of becoming the victim of a break-in. Whether you are going on vacation or just going to work, these simple steps can make your home less vulnerable: 

1. Close your blinds or drapes when you leave your home. Many times, burglars will scope out different houses looking for certain items to steal. If they can't see into your home, they may move on to another home. 

2. Lock your doors and windows. This should be a daily check for you before you leave your home. Make sure your front door and back door and all windows are secure. Fix broken or inoperative door and window locks. 

3. If you have a fenced back yard with a gate, make sure your gate is locked. Burglars don't want to draw undue attention to themselves by having to jump over the fence. This also prevents the theft of large items like TV's or stereos and any items you may have in your back yard. 

4. Have your most valuable items engraved with your name. If your items are ever stolen, this may help to identify them if they are recovered. It is also much harder to sell these items as people are hesitant to buy an item with someone else's name on it. It may also help to write down any serial numbers you may have for certain things. 

5. If you are leaving for an extended period of time, put your mail and newspaper on hold. Seeing a mailbox overflowing with mail is a key indicator that you are not at home and may not return anytime soon. 

6. If possible, install a timer on an interior or exterior light. Have them set to turn on and off at certain times during the day or night. 

7. Let a neighbor know you are leaving so they can keep an eye on your home. 

8. Find a house sitter.
9. Purchase a safe to store valuables and important papers in. Make sure it is fire proof as well. 

10. If you live on base, inform Security Forces that you are going on leave and they will perform periodic checks on your home to ensure it is secure. 

These ten simple steps can lower your chances of becoming the victim of a break in. It will be well worth your time to be proactive when you leave your home.