Nuclear Surety Inspection to test the 62nd Airlift Wing

  • Published
  • By Col. Kevin Kilb
  • 62nd Airlift Wing commander
Over the past six months, during four outside agency visits, the men and women of the 62d Airlift Wing have shown we take nothing for granted when it comes to our PNAF mission! We have demonstrated our careful and steadfast pursuit of perfection in the defense department's most sensitive mission, and on the first of June, we will have yet another opportunity to confirm our commitment to the nuclear enterprise as the Air Mobility Command Inspector General and the Air Force Inspection Agency examine our Nuclear Surety Program.

This NSI will test every facet of our program affecting many agencies throughout the base. As the defense department's only Prime Nuclear Airlift Force, our Airmen performing this crucial mission are charged with maintaining the highest possible standards of individual reliability and professional competence.

The PNAF mission requires daily leadership involvement; open and steady dialog between all squadrons and agencies involved, and of course, total community support. Every aspect of our organization must function smoothly so we can safely and skillfully perform our PNAF mission and effectively demonstrate our Nuclear Surety Program to our inspectors.

From the exacting medical care of our aircrews to the meticulous maintenance of our aircraft, the 62d Airlift Wing carries out this critical mission with precision and proficiency. I want you all to share the pride and professionalism we take in executing our mission with the inspectors as they visit your work areas and examine your procedures.

Nuclear Surety Inspection parameters are extensively detailed and demand the highest standards of compliance and accountability; I am convinced this will be a very rigorous and comprehensive inspection. The American people depend on you...the Airmen of 62d Airlift deliver secure and reliable nuclear deterrence capabilities every day, and this NSI is a chance for our team to prove that we are the very best at doing just that. I have no doubt they will be thoroughly impressed with the OUTSTANDING work you all do every day...I know that I am! The IG is coming and WE are ready!