Being a positive Airman Published March 17, 2011 By Chief Master Sgt. Kevin White 627th Security Forces Squadron JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD, Wash. -- In modern times, you may have noticed how our Air Force leaders consistently strive to positively communicate in all forms of media be it written or spoken in effort to keep our spirits high and directed towards stellar mission accomplishment. Well, many scholars like Ronda Byrne, author of the book called "The Secret" communicated being positive as a sound variable associated with the Universal Law of Attraction; which states in general terms that people's thoughts (both conscious and unconscious) dictate the reality of their lives. Therefore, if you really want something and truly believe it's possible, you'll get it. In fact, the power of positive thinking and/or treatment of others may simply be attracted back to you. So, having brought up this subject, one might ask, "How can the average Airman benefit from being a positive mission oriented performer?" Well, in effort to keep this communication accurate, brief, and clear, I would say doing these minor; yet, important things will work to positively benefit Airmen: 1) Being a positive person in the work center thereby working to build dynamic and extensive professional relationships. 2) Striving to eradicate any perceived barriers from your mind that might cause you to doubt your ability to perform, since our mission is to excel thereby keeping our nation free. For example, it is surely unwise to think you will not do well in internet college courses if you have never taken one! This is a simple education barrier that must be removed if we want to effectively take advantage of the flexibility internet based education has brought to Airmen. 3) Attempting to positively communicate operational desires at every public opportunity thereby uplifting Airman hopes for success; and finally, but not exclusively. 4) Setting important goals and taking the aggressive actions to achieve them since in your mind you positively believe you can conquer all mountains and/or win all wars. For instance, if one believes they have the skills to effectively negotiate WAPS then perhaps they will aggressively develop the study habits required to personally succeed! Additionally, to positively meet work center objectives we might brainstorm with directed personnel in effort to overcome obstacles and reach team oriented goals! In closing, it has been historically recorded that great thinkers like Einstein, Plato, Newton and Edison all knew the power of positive thinking and its connection to the Universal Law of Attraction...and we know for a fact these scientist where able to bring into fruition just about everything they could imagine. So, for us Airmen, I soundly believe that if we were to consistently become more positive thinkers, better relationship builders, and more confident in our belief that we can conqueror any potential challenge then we will routinely attract positive accomplishments back toward us individually and as an Air Force Team! Yet, we must always realize that with every positive thought and/or want must come some positive action!