Get ready for the ORE

  • Published
  • By Staff Sgt. Frances Kriss
  • 62nd Airlift Wing Public Affairs
There are many things 62nd Airlift Wing Airmen can do to prepare themselves for the upcoming operational readiness exercise May 4-10 to Volk Field, Wis.

For those "deploying," training during the Ability to Survive and Operate University provides a great one-day crash course in all the essentials of ATSO and other wartime information. An opportunity to attend the class exists from April 30 to May 2.

Personnel participating in the May ORE should make every attempt to ensure they have made it to an ATSO University class prior to leaving.

In addition, everyone should prepare their families and themselves for the stress of the ORE. Ensure the bills are ready and make arrangements for childcare well in advance so that we can focus on putting our best foot forward for each ORE and eventually the operational readiness inspection in October.

Deploying members can also prepare by bringing the appropriate weather clothing suitable for the climate in Wisconsin and reviewing job responsibilities in the deployed environment. Furthermore, understanding the gear and information in your Airman's Manual is necessary for the rigors of modern deployed operations and adequately prepares all Airmen for the wartime environment.

All members of the 62nd AW can contribute substantially to our outstanding effort! Throughout the preparation period and especially as we head to war, everyone should remain in a positive and assertive manner. Doing everything possible to support our deploying members will set the stage for success.

Furthermore, everyone should review the specifics or their wartime mission and where to go for answers in the case of any uncertainty.

"I do not know, but will find the answer and get back to you," is always an acceptable answer, but requires follow up. Above all else, always be courteous and safety minded throughout the preparation and inspection period.

With a commitment to preparation and the right attitude, we will set the standard for an "outstanding" ORI performance!