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62nd Airlift Wing member named Military Citizen of the Year

Master Sgt. Monique DuBose, 62nd Airlift Wing Office of the Inspector General superintendent, speaks to members of the Tacoma Rotary Club, fellow service members and veterans, and friends and family after being named the 39th recipient of the John H. Anderson Military Citizen of the Year Award at a luncheon, Nov. 9, 2017 in downtown Tacoma.

Master Sgt. Monique DuBose, 62nd Airlift Wing Office of the Inspector General superintendent, speaks to members of the Tacoma Rotary Club, fellow service members and veterans, and friends and family after being named the 39th recipient of the John H. Anderson Military Citizen of the Year Award at a luncheon, Nov. 9, 2017 in downtown Tacoma. The award is named for a past Tacoma mayor and honors an outstanding military citizen for their civic contributions. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Whitney Taylor)

Master Sgt. Monique DuBose, 62nd Airlift Wing Office of the Inspector General superintendent, speaks to members of the Tacoma Rotary Club, fellow service members and veterans, and friends and family after being named the 39th recipient of the John H. Anderson Military Citizen of the Year Award at a luncheon, Nov. 9, 2017 in downtown Tacoma. In addition to being an active-duty Airman, Dubose is a member of the Tacoma Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., President of the Tacoma Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Inc., and the director of training and education for Redefining You Foundation and the founder of Beyond Beauty Women’s Social Saving Club. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Whitney Taylor)

Master Sgt. Monique DuBose, 62nd Airlift Wing Office of the Inspector General superintendent, speaks to members of the Tacoma Rotary Club, fellow service members and veterans, and friends and family after being named the 39th recipient of the John H. Anderson Military Citizen of the Year Award at a luncheon, Nov. 9, 2017 in downtown Tacoma. In addition to being an active-duty Airman, Dubose is a member of the Tacoma Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., President of the Tacoma Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Inc., and the director of training and education for Redefining You Foundation and the founder of Beyond Beauty Women’s Social Saving Club.(U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Whitney Taylor)


An Airman assigned to the 62nd Airlift Wing was named the 39th recipient of the John H. Anderson Military Citizen of the Year Award by the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber of Commerce during a luncheon, Nov. 9 in downtown Tacoma.

Master Sgt. Monique DuBose, 62nd AW Office of the Inspector General superintendent, was honored for outstanding civic contributions during the Rotary Club of Tacoma #8 Veterans Day program.

Prior to presenting DuBose with her award, Jason Lopez, America’s Credit Union business development officer, described DuBose as the embodiment of excellence and service before self.

“Master Sergeant DuBose loves people and volunteers hours of her personal time toward community service in Pierce County,” Lopez said. “She is a 2014 recipient of the Presidential Volunteer Service Award and donated over 400 hours to others as a Sexual Assault Victim Advocate. She is a member of the Tacoma Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., President of the Tacoma Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Inc., and the director of training and education for Redefining You Foundation and the founder of Beyond Beauty Women’s Social Saving Club.”

For these and many other reasons, DuBose was chosen to represent Tacoma-Pierce County as the 2017 Military Citizen of the Year.

Though her staggering list of community commitments leaves little room for doubt as to whether DuBose is deserving of the John H. Anderson Award, the master sergeant was surprised and humbled to learn that she rose above other nominees.

“I felt so uncomfortable being recognized,” DuBose explained. “My mother encouraged me to embrace it, but even when I arrived at the luncheon I didn’t realize I was the guest of honor until they showed me to my seat on stage. However, with the encouragement of my family, I started thinking – why not me?”

To say DuBose has a busy schedule would be an understatement. In addition to holding prominent positions in a plethora of local philanthropic and social organizations, she is wife to retired U.S. Army staff sergeant, James DuBose; mother to Monee´ DuBose, 12; and a full-time, active-duty Airman. When asked why she chooses to take on so much, DuBose offered a genuine explanation.

“It’s my legacy,” she explained. “I’m always trying to create a medium of contact for my daughter, for all children, that can stimulate growth and leadership development. Through constructive educational, cultural, civic, health, social and local philanthropic programs we can ensure our children become healthy human beings who also give back to society. I do it for them.”

As every service man and woman knows, the mission does not get accomplished by one alone. Applying that lesson to all areas of her life, DuBose never takes on a project without backing from her squad.

“My only real gift is knowing people who are smart, who believe in my vision,” DuBose said. “They’re my stakeholders; the people who invest in me and believe in what I do. When I find a project I’d like to take on, I connect with my stakeholders - sorority sisters, community partners - and they create the avenue enabling me to make it happen. It’s a group effort.”

Each year, DuBose devises a motto by which to live her life. Throughout 2017, that motto helped her focus on giving.

“This year it is important for us to help restore our community by finding countless ways to give,” DuBose said. “As we continue to increase our activity and visibility in our community, we must seek opportunities to lead and educate our youth servant leaders on local philanthropy that will benefit the citizens of Tacoma. Giving of our time and talent is good for all in our community.”

Set to retire from the Air Force in summer 2018, DuBose will undoubtedly continue to pursue her passions and invest in, and enrich the lives of those around her.

“I really believe investing in others is my purpose, my calling,” DuBose said. “I am a separating service member; I am a mother; I am a woman; I can connect with so many and I truly feel that my purpose is to serve.”

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